Glory At War:


Name: Samantha Louise
Home: Vancouver, Canada
About Me: The.Earth.Diet
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Shine Jesus!

My long weekend has officially ended. It was grand... other than youth, church and a meeting tonight... all I did was lie on my bed and read books. I was supposed to go to a bbq today at the park but the book was beckoning to me to read... I just finished reading A Scarlet Thread. This book is definitly for a ladies, simply beautiful. I love Francine Rivers cos she writes romance novels but it always comes back to Christ. Love it.
The next two weeks are going to be hectic and I need God's strength to get through it physically. This is what is going on:
Tuesday- Work
Wednesday- Work, leaders meeting
Thursday- Work, Corporate prayer meeting
Friday- Uni all day, youth at night
Saturday- Uni all day, 21st party
Sunday- Church all day
Monday- Uni
Tuesday- Work
Wednesday- Work, small/life/cell group
Thursday- Work
Friday- Work, youth at night
Saturday- SLEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, I just want to share what Jesus has been doing. This year has been a tough year, and it seems I just keep walking head on into trial after trial. But that's okay, it hurts but it's a good hurt, you know? I'm truly beginning to understand what James meant in his letter "Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds...". My intimacy with God has gone to a new place, I'm learning so much! It still sucks but I know that He is in control! He has been showing me that although I'm walking through the fire He is with me. In Daniel 3 it talks about how Sharrach, Meshack, and Abed-Nego were thrown into a fiery furnace because they refused to bow down to an idol and rather, chose to worship God. To read the full story click here! Assuming that you've read the story, I love that in verse 25 it tells us that King Nebuchardnezzar saw a fourth person in the fire! Jesus, Holy Spirit, whoever! I love that! God spoke to me so so so strongly through this. He encouraged me and told me that I'm walking through fire but He isn't on the sidelines cheering me on, rather, He is walking through the fire with me. And flip, I want to be where He is.. and if that means walking through the fire, then so be it. I will be obediant to what He wants to do in my life, after all, it's in the fiery times that God can use that to burn off the crud in our hearts that He don't want there.
And that's what He is doing.
He is ridding of pride, hurt, He is healing me, revealing sins I need to repent of, He is doing alot. I'm so grateful and thankful of that.
As I've been drawing closer to Him and finding who I am in Him and allowing Him to do His work, He has been blessing me so much. And people can see it! If God lives in our hearts, and He is a big God, then gosh... people should see God in us yes? Pouring out of us? I was in the Fish 'n Chip shop with some of my girls after church. Sitting next to an elderly greek (another! They must love me!) lady we began to talk. I could see this weight on her shoulders so I introduced myself and asked her how she was. She almost started crying right there and then! She told me how her husband had a stroke and how it has been difficult. With tears in her eyes she says, "You're a christian aren't you?". In shock I go "Yes... how did you know?" And she says, "Well... you shine."
Isn't that what it should be like? I've been readin the Scripture about how we're lamps and we should be on the hill and not hidden and covered. That is my prayer! Let the people see Jesus in us! That's how it should be, shouldn't it?
posted by Samantha Louise 12:14 AM  
  • At March 13, 2007 at 1:24:00 AM GMT+11, Blogger Mike Messerli said…

    what a great thing to hear- "you shine". how neat is that?! congratulations, shiny's neat to hear that you are getting some shining practice in before we all shine forever!

    thanks for the post. very encouraging.

  • At March 13, 2007 at 11:26:00 AM GMT+11, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes it should be like that, no question about it. We have to have Jesus in us, and we can't have stuff covering the holes hiding Him.

    There are quite a few stories in the Bible about Jesus and fish (usually lots of fish!) - I wonder what He would have thought of fish and chips stores.

    So the greek lady saw Jesus in, then what!! I want to know what happened next. Recognising Jesus is one thing.

  • At March 13, 2007 at 4:08:00 PM GMT+11, Blogger Sparkalina said…

    Hey Beautiful,

    You do indeed shine! I've told you that time and time are beautiful and the Lord shines through you more than you realise. You are going to affect MANY lives for Christ.

    Soooo my dear.. tell me...

    Waht did you think of Scarlet thread? I'm about to start reading it..what did you like the best?

    Love you,

    Lanna xx


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